Soo... considering this is my last P day in the MTC (AHHHHH), I decided to compile a list of tips and reminders to all of you who are either preparing for a mission or are thinking about serving. I've got so much more, but not enough time to share them all!
Here we go..
1. Its all true. All of it. Dont ever forget that testimony you have. I highly suggest you write down your testimony so you can refer back to it whenever you need to.
2. Study study study. I swear, the most amazing things will come out of studying. If you are prepared, God will help you when you teach. Study as much as you can. When your brain feels like its going to explode, youre doing it right. Promise.
3. Pray for your companion. Pray for them and their families right when you get your call. Pray that you will know how to help them and how to love them. Gain a testimony of the importance of having a companion early on in your mission.
4. Scriptures are vital. Personally, Im so glad I didnt buy new scriptures. They give you some in your missionary language, and I'm way grateful that I had my English scriptures already marked up from seminary and other church classes. But everyone is different, you might prefer to buy new ones! I just preferred using my regular ones.
5. Speak your language. Like legit. Try as hard as you can to speak your language. For Spanish, become best friends with the latinos or read from your Spanish Book of Mormon every day out loud. Speak it as often as you can. You might not know a lot, but use what you know.
6. Memorize. Memorize the classic scriptures BEFORE you start your mission. Like D&C 4, 1 Nephi 3:7, Moroni 10:3-5, the first vision in Joseph Smith History, etc. Your life will be 10x easier if you do this, I swear.
7. Learn how to love everyone. This might be one of the biggest and most beneficial lessons I have learned in the MTC. Pray for help in loving every single person you come in contact with.
8. Missionaries arent perfect. Boys are dumb, girls are dumb... even on a mission. I have some of the most ridiculous stories about people here who forgot they were on a mission... perrroooo... probably not my place to share.
9. Be exactly obedient. EXACTLY. Go to bed and wake up when youre supposed to. Study as long as youre supposed to. Follow the rules with exactness and I promise blessings will follow and miracles will happen.
10. Eat chocolate. If you are going to the Mexico MTC, go the tienda and buy a Kinder Bueno. Make sure you have money to buy one at least once a week the rest of the time you are there. Just trust me on this.
11. Bring pictures. Make sure you have picturess of your friends, your family, your pets, your home. There will be days when you just need to look at those pictures before doing anything else. Thats okay. Look at those pictures and let the love you have for the people in your life inspire you to work harder than ever.
12. Try your best not to feel discouraged. The first week will be tough, even more so if you are learning a language, but just remember that your call was inspired and that God is behind you every step of the way. Everyone learns at a different rate so please be patient with yourself.
13. Laugh! For the love of everything holy in this world, laugh! And laugh a lot. Missions are a fun and exciting time in life. Allow yourself to enjoy it, yeah?
14. GYM is heaven so dont waste one minute. Get out there and play a sport or go run... you will thank me later, promise.
15. Keep a transfer journal. Have everyone that you get to know sign a book with their testimony and email and make sure you take a picture with them. I promise youll want these memories later on.
16. Write down EVERYTHING. You might think you'll never forget about certain experiences or people, but you will. Get really good at writing everything down.
17. Remember. Its not our time anymore - we are on the Lords time. This isnt about us. We get the OPPORTUNITY to forget about ourselves for 18-24 months. So dont waste one day. Forget about your life back home, dont think about what you will be doing after the mission. Seriously focus every single day on the amazing work you are a part of. Its amazing. Do not waste one single day, you hear me?
18. A testimony isnt enough, YOU need to be converted.
19. Pray. All. The. Time. I promise you your prayers are being heard.
20. Love your companion. You have that companion for a reason. Figure out why you think God put you together and see what you can learn from your companion. Its sweet.
21. Take the MTC seriously! For reals. You wont regret the effort you put into every day. And a little advice from my elders to you young men out there... don't be idiots. Enough said,
22. Last but not least.... have fun. Enjoy yourself. Become best friends with the people around you. Laugh and laugh a lot! Be excited about the experience! Yeah, its hard... yeah its tough some days. But guess what? You are going to be just fine. I promise you. Here in the CCM, the devotionals are long and the classes are long and the meetings are long, but every single minute of every single day is just filled with the spirit. You will see yourself change without even realizing it if you just allow yourself to forget and go to work.
If you have specific questions about the CCM or other questions about clothes or food or study materials, I got you! Just email me! Ive got the answers you need :)
Hermana Brie Gould